Source code for bioblend.galaxy.libraries

Contains possible interactions with the Galaxy Data Libraries
from bioblend.galaxy.client import Client

[docs]class LibraryClient(Client): def __init__(self, galaxy_instance): self.module = 'libraries' super(LibraryClient, self).__init__(galaxy_instance)
[docs] def create_library(self, name, description=None, synopsis=None): """ Create a data library with the properties defined in the arguments. Return a list of JSON dicts, looking like so:: [{"id": "f740ab636b360a70", "name": "Library from bioblend", "url": "/api/libraries/f740ab636b360a70"}] """ payload = {'name': name} if description: payload['description'] = description if synopsis: payload['synopsis'] = synopsis return Client._post(self, payload)
[docs] def create_folder(self, library_id, folder_name, description=None, base_folder_id=None): """ Create a folder in the given library and the base folder. If ``base_folder_id`` is not provided, the new folder will be created in the root folder. """ # Get root folder ID if no ID was provided if base_folder_id is None: folders = self.show_library(library_id=library_id, contents=True) for f in folders: if f['name'] == '/': base_folder_id = f['id'] break # Compose the payload payload = {} payload['name'] = folder_name payload['folder_id'] = base_folder_id payload['create_type'] = 'folder' if description is not None: payload['description'] = description return Client._post(self, payload, id=library_id, contents=True)
[docs] def get_libraries(self, library_id=None, name=None, deleted=False): """ Get all the libraries or filter for specific one(s) via the provided name or ID. Provide only one argument: ``name`` or ``library_id``. If ``name`` is set and multiple names match the given name, all the libraries matching the argument will be returned. Return a list of JSON formatted dicts each containing basic information about a library. """ libraries = Client._get(self, deleted=deleted) if name is not None or library_id is not None: filtered_libs = [] for lib in libraries: if name == lib['name'] or library_id == lib['id']: filtered_libs.append(lib) # Library ID's are unique so break now that the lib was found if library_id is not None: break libraries = filtered_libs return libraries
[docs] def show_library(self, library_id, contents=False): """ Get information about a library. If want to get contents of the library (rather than just the library details), set ``contents`` to ``True``. Return a list of JSON formatted dicts containing library details. """ return Client._get(self, id=library_id, contents=contents)
def _do_upload(self, **keywords): """ Set up the POST request and do the actual data upload to a data library. This method should not be called directly but instead refer to the methods specific for the desired type of data upload. """ # If folder_id was not provided in the arguments, find the root folder ID if keywords.get('folder_id', None) is None: folders = self.show_library(library_id=keywords['library_id'], contents=True) for f in folders: if f['name'] == '/': folder_id = f['id'] break else: folder_id = keywords['folder_id'] files_attached = False # Compose the payload dict payload = {} payload['folder_id'] = folder_id payload['file_type'] = keywords.get('file_type', 'auto') payload['dbkey'] = keywords.get('dbkey', '?') payload['create_type'] = 'file' if keywords.get("roles", None): payload["roles"] = keywords["roles"] if keywords.get("link_data_only", None): payload["link_data_only"] = str(keywords["link_data_only"]) # upload options if keywords.get('file_url', None) is not None: payload['upload_option'] = 'upload_file' payload['files_0|url_paste'] = keywords['file_url'] elif keywords.get('pasted_content', None) is not None: payload['upload_option'] = 'upload_file' payload['files_0|url_paste'] = keywords['pasted_content'] elif keywords.get('server_dir', None) is not None: payload['upload_option'] = 'upload_directory' payload['server_dir'] = keywords['server_dir'] elif keywords.get('file_local_path', None) is not None: payload['upload_option'] = 'upload_file' payload['files_0|file_data'] = open(keywords['file_local_path'], 'rb') files_attached = True elif keywords.get("filesystem_paths", None) is not None: payload["upload_option"] = "upload_paths" payload["filesystem_paths"] = keywords["filesystem_paths"] r = Client._post(self, payload, id=keywords['library_id'], contents=True, files_attached=files_attached) if payload.get('files_0|file_data', None) is not None: payload['files_0|file_data'].close() return r
[docs] def upload_file_from_url(self, library_id, file_url, folder_id=None, file_type='auto', dbkey='?'): """ Upload a file to a library from a URL. If ``folder_id`` is not specified, the file will be uploaded to the root folder. """ # TODO: Is there a better way of removing self from locals? vars = locals().copy() del vars['self'] return self._do_upload(**vars)
[docs] def upload_file_contents(self, library_id, pasted_content, folder_id=None, file_type='auto', dbkey='?'): """ Upload pasted_contents to a data library as a new file. If ``folder_id`` is not specified, the file will be placed in the root folder. """ vars = locals().copy() del vars['self'] return self._do_upload(**vars)
[docs] def upload_file_from_local_path(self, library_id, file_local_path, folder_id=None, file_type='auto', dbkey='?'): """ Read local file contents from file_local_path and upload data to a library. If ``folder_id`` is not specified, the file will be placed in the root folder. """ vars = locals().copy() del vars['self'] return self._do_upload(**vars)
[docs] def upload_file_from_server(self, library_id, server_dir, folder_id=None, file_type='auto', dbkey='?', link_data_only=None, roles=""): """ Upload a file to a library from a path on the server where Galaxy is running. If ``folder_id`` is not provided, the file will be placed in the root folder. Note that for this method to work, the Galaxy instance you're connecting to must have the configuration option ``library_import_dir`` set in ``universe_wsgi.ini``. The value of that configuration option should be a base directory from where more specific directories can be specified as part of the ``server_dir`` argument. All and only the files (ie, no folders) specified by the ``server_dir`` argument will be uploaded to the data library. """ vars = locals().copy() del vars['self'] return self._do_upload(**vars)
[docs] def upload_from_galaxy_filesystem(self, library_id, filesystem_paths, folder_id=None, file_type="auto", dbkey="?", link_data_only=None, roles=""): """Upload a file from filesystem paths already present on the Galaxy server. Provides API access for the 'Upload files from filesystem paths' approach. ``link_data_only`` -- whether to copy data into Galaxy. Setting to 'link_to_files' symlinks data instead of copying """ vars = locals().copy() del vars['self'] return self._do_upload(**vars)

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