Source code for bioblend.galaxy.histories

Contains possible interactions with the Galaxy Histories
from bioblend.galaxy.client import Client

import shutil
import urllib2

[docs]class HistoryClient(Client): def __init__(self, galaxy_instance): self.module = 'histories' super(HistoryClient, self).__init__(galaxy_instance)
[docs] def create_history(self, name=None): """ Create a new history, optionally setting the ``name``. """ payload = {} if name is not None: payload['name'] = name return Client._post(self, payload)
[docs] def get_histories(self, history_id=None, name=None, deleted=False): """ Get all histories or filter the specific one(s) via the provided ``name`` or ``history_id``. Provide only one argument, ``name`` or ``history_id``, but not both. If ``deleted`` is set to ``True``, return histories that have been deleted. Return a list of history element dicts. If more than one history matches the given ``name``, return the list of all the histories with the given name. """ histories = Client._get(self, deleted=deleted) if name is not None or history_id is not None: filtered_hists = [] for history in histories: if name == history['name'] or history_id == history['id']: filtered_hists.append(history) # History ID's are unique so break now that the hist was found if history_id is not None: break histories = filtered_hists return histories
[docs] def show_history(self, history_id, contents=False): """ Get details of a given history. By default, just get the history meta information. If ``contents`` is set to ``True``, get the complete list of datasets in the given history. """ return Client._get(self, id=history_id, contents=contents)
[docs] def show_dataset(self, history_id, dataset_id): """ Get details about a given history dataset. The required ``history_id`` can be obtained from the datasets's history content details. """ url =, history_id, contents=True) # Append the dataset_id to the base history contents URL url = '/'.join([url, dataset_id]) return Client._get(self, url=url)
[docs] def upload_dataset_from_library(self, history_id, lib_dataset_id): """ Upload a dataset into the history from a library. Requires the library dataset ID, which can be obtained from the library contents. """ payload = {'from_ld_id': lib_dataset_id} return Client._post(self, payload, id=history_id, contents=True)
[docs] def download_dataset(self, history_id, dataset_id, file_path=None, use_default_filename=True, to_ext=None): meta = self.show_dataset(history_id, dataset_id) d_type = to_ext if d_type is None and 'data_type' in meta : d_type = meta['data_type'] url = '/'.join([, 'datasets', meta['id'], "display"]) + "?to_ext=" + d_type req = urllib2.urlopen(url) if use_default_filename: file_local_path = os.path.join(file_path, dataset['name']) else: file_local_path = file_path with open(file_local_path, 'wb') as fp: shutil.copyfileobj(req, fp)
[docs] def delete_history(self, history_id, purge=False): """ Delete a history. If ``purge`` is set to ``True``, also purge the history. Note that for the purge option to work, ``allow_user_dataset_purge`` option must be set in the Galaxy's configuration file ``universe_wsgi.ini`` """ payload = {} if purge is True: payload['purge'] = purge return Client._delete(self, payload, id=history_id)
[docs] def undelete_history(self, history_id): """ Undelete a history """ url =, history_id, deleted=True) # Append the 'undelete' action to the history URL url = '/'.join([url, 'undelete']) return Client._post(self, payload={}, url=url)
[docs] def get_status(self, history_id): """ Returns the state of this history as a dictionary, with the following keys. 'state' = This is the current state of the history, such as ok, error, new etc. 'state_details' = Contains individual statistics for various dataset states. 'percent_complete' = The overall number of datasets processed to completion. """ state = {} history = self.show_history(history_id) state['state'] = history['state'] if history.get('state_details') is not None: state['state_details'] = history['state_details'] total_complete = sum(history['state_details'].itervalues()) if total_complete > 0: state['percent_complete'] = 100 * history['state_details']['ok'] / total_complete else: state['percent_complete'] = 0 return state
[docs] def get_current_history(self): """ Returns the current user's most recently used history object (not deleted) """ url =, None) url = '/'.join([url, 'most_recently_used']) return Client._get(self, url=url)

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