Source code for bioblend.galaxy.workflows

Contains possible interactions with the Galaxy Workflows
from bioblend.galaxy.client import Client
import simplejson
import os

[docs]class WorkflowClient(Client): def __init__(self, galaxy_instance): self.module = 'workflows' super(WorkflowClient, self).__init__(galaxy_instance)
[docs] def get_workflows(self): """ Get a list of all workflows :rtype: list :return: A list of workflow dicts. For example:: [{u'id': u'92c56938c2f9b315', u'name': u'Simple', u'url': u'/api/workflows/92c56938c2f9b315'}] """ return Client._get(self)
[docs] def show_workflow(self, workflow_id): """ Display information needed to run a workflow :type workflow_id: string :param workflow_id: Encoded workflow ID :rtype: list :return: A description of the workflow and its inputs as a JSON object. For example:: {u'id': u'92c56938c2f9b315', u'inputs': {u'23': {u'label': u'Input Dataset', u'value': u''}}, u'name': u'Simple', u'url': u'/api/workflows/92c56938c2f9b315'} """ return Client._get(self, id=workflow_id)
[docs] def import_workflow_json(self, workflow_json): """ Imports a new workflow given a json representation of a previously exported workflow. """ payload = {} payload['workflow'] = workflow_json url = url = '/'.join([url, "upload"]) return Client._post(self, url=url, payload=payload)
[docs] def import_workflow_from_local_path(self, file_local_path): """ Imports a new workflow given the path to a file containing a previously exported workflow. """ with open(file_local_path, 'rb') as fp: workflow_json = simplejson.load(fp) return self.import_workflow_json(workflow_json)
[docs] def export_workflow_json(self, workflow_id): """ Exports a workflow in json format :type workflow_id: string :param workflow_id: Encoded workflow ID """ url = url = '/'.join([url, "download"]) url = '/'.join([url, workflow_id]) return Client._get(self, url=url)
[docs] def export_workflow_to_local_path(self, workflow_id, file_local_path, use_default_filename=True): """ Exports a workflow in json format to a given local path. :type workflow_id: string :param workflow_id: Encoded workflow ID :type file_local_path: string :param file_local_path: Local path to which the exported file will be saved. (Should not contain filename if use_default_name=True) :type use_default_name: boolean :param use_default_name: If the use_default_name parameter is True, the exported file will be saved as file_local_path/, where %s is the workflow name. If use_default_name is False, file_local_path is assumed to contain the full file path including filename. """ workflow_json = self.export_workflow_json(workflow_id) if use_default_filename: filename = '' % workflow_json['name'] file_local_path = os.path.join(file_local_path, filename) with open(file_local_path, 'wb') as fp: workflow_json = simplejson.dump(workflow_json, fp) return workflow_json
[docs] def run_workflow(self, workflow_id, dataset_map, history_id=None, history_name=None, import_inputs_to_history=False): """ Run the workflow identified by ``workflow_id`` :type workflow_id: string :param workflow_id: Encoded workflow ID :type dataset_map: string or dict :param dataset_map: A mapping of workflow inputs to datasets. The datasets source can be a LibraryDatasetDatasetAssociation (``ldda``), LibraryDataset (``ld``), or HistoryDatasetAssociation (``hda``). The map must be in the following format: ``{'<input>': {'id': <encoded dataset ID>, 'src': '[ldda, ld, hda]'}}`` (eg, ``{'23': {'id': '29beef4fadeed09f', 'src': 'ld'}}``) :type history_id: string :param history_id: The encoded history ID where to store the workflow output. ``history_id`` OR ``history_name`` should be provided but not both! :type history_name: string :param history_name: Create a new history with the given name to store the workflow output. ``history_id`` OR ``history_name`` should be provided but not both! :type import_inputs_to_history: bool :param import_inputs_to_history: If ``True``, used workflow inputs will be imported into the history. If ``False``, only workflow outputs will be visible in the given history. :rtype: dict :return: A dict containing the history ID where the outputs are placed as well as output dataset IDs. For example:: {u'history': u'64177123325c9cfd', u'outputs': [u'aa4d3084af404259']} """ payload = {} payload['workflow_id'] = workflow_id payload['ds_map'] = dataset_map if history_id: payload['history'] = 'hist_id={0}'.format(history_id) elif history_name: payload['history'] = history_name else: print "Must provide history_id or history_name argument" if import_inputs_to_history is False: payload['no_add_to_history'] = True return Client._post(self, payload)

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